Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Embarrasing Moments

What's your most emberassing moment? Is a question I hear all of the time. All I can ever say is "I don't really have one." People always think that's impossible but honestly I don't have a most embarissing moment, does that mean I'm lucky?

I'm not saying embarrassing things don't happen to me. There just not THAT embarrassing and I'm the kind of person who can brush it off and walk away or just laugh at myself along with everybody.

This was all sparked by something that happened yesterday. In math we were doing some problems in class, i had my i pod in and apparently started singing. I heard everyone laughing so i take out my earphones and go "what happened?" My friend told me I started belting out Kids by MGMT. First off I never noticed I was singing. I turned the color of a ripe tomato and started laughing. Yah I was embarrassed but I'm not beating myself up for it.

So anyway, what yours most embarrassing moment?

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