Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Unforgettable Color's "Eincy WeencyTrailer"

Trying to think about what my first blog post is going to be, has me stumped. So after thinking about it for what feels like forever but in actuality is only 4 hours, i have decided to write about what you can expect from my little blog. Now naming the post was also another problem, i thought about how you get enticed to see a movie, by its trailer hence the name of the post.

Somethings you can expect are little blurbs about anything I feel like, make up, nail polish, life, music I am in love with, etc. and I think I will throw some hair stuff in here too :). Inspirational pictures I might find, really just a bit more organized brain storming board. But unlike a brain storm I hope that it has more complete and better explained thoughts.

I am actually really excited about what's to come on here, and I am not guaranteeing anything will stay the same. Such as the Title of the blog , the URL, or pictures. I will probably delete some posts because I can be a perfectionist. Trust me I wish I could change that about myself because in all honesty it stops me from doing things, but hey we are who we are. So that being said, I hope you will enjoy my blog :).

PS. I enjoy the use of "lols" and smiley faces, I hope that doesn't bother anyone, but sometimes I accidentally put it into text and when correcting things I just read over it (namely lols, lol :P)

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